Burning Man 1997 | Community Connections

We've made available several bulletin boards to help you share information with each other.

The Experiences BB is a great place to let others know what you saw and how you experienced Burning Man 97.

Missed Connections is the best place to seek and find that individual whom you may have shared a fleeting moment with on the playa, and would like to say hello to once again.

The Lost and Found needs no explanation

Regional Events/Connections: Some of you have inquired about having a slide party in Seattle, Denver, Austin or another city and are interested to find like-minded individuals. Or, you are in the Bay Area and would like to help with an event. This is the place to start. If you like to bar tend or have a sound system to share this is one place to start.

Find your neighbors and other like-minded individuals on the Community Connections Bulletin Board.

We are anxious to keep the Burning Man community alive. If you have any ideas for a Bulletin Board that would be relevant and active please let us know: questions@burningman.com

Trip Brown