Burning Man 1997 Web Archive

Burning Man 1997




11/28/97: Gobble Gobble. New video info:

Burning Man 1997 was a success. We are evaluating our experience, balancing the finances and selecting a new event site. On Tuesday September 1st until Monday September 7th, 1998 we will create a community.

Additions to the web site and more information will be upcoming. Get on our mailing list by sending your name, address, phone number and email to snailmail@burningman.com. Let us know if you'd like to volunteer in helping Burning Man function, messages should be sent to volunteers@burningman.com.

For those that MUST stay up on current Burning Man issues, events, developments, and site location, sign up for the original push technology: The Jack Rabbit Speaks - email announce list (It hops into your e-box every 10 days or so). To join, send an email to bman-announce-request@burningman.com, with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message. Your initial request will require a confirmation response in order to protect you from unwanted email.

1997 Retrospective Here Now! Donations, Tale of 2 Cities (by Larry Harvey), Photos, Bulletin Boards, Memories, and more.

Let us and Washoe County know what you spent as you passed through Nevada on your way to Burning Man.

Burning Man Hotline: 415-985-7471

Copyright ©1997. All Rights Reserved.