Burning Man 1997 | Art Installations

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Art Installation


This installation is inspired by the forms and concerns of Egyptian solar temples -- geometrically complex arrangements of obelisks and spheres that trace celestial phenomena and embody the rhythms and cycles of the sun. For the ancient Egyptians, the sun was the awesome and mysterious answer to the question of fertility on this planet. Artist Jim Mason will construct a large-scale ice sundial; its center formed from a 10 ft. diameter sphere of ice surrounded by 12 ft. tall ice obelisks. This giant sphere, itself a massive clock, will in turn enclose watches, clocks and other modern timepieces frozen within it. Melting, it will evoke the deep and mysterious courses of geologic time. Look for this transient monument in the plaza formed at the conjunction of our two principle boulevards at Central Camp. With the addition of 50 gallons of snowcone syrup, Temporal Decomposition will also offer cherry-flavored ice refreshment. Lick and Enjoy!


1 circle, 9 triangles, 9 squares and 7 pentagons within a circle of stone, water and fish bones. Aprille Glover utilizes sacred geometry, European, American Indian, and Chinese symbolism to relate the compass points to an enlightened state of mind.


A giant ammonite, 70 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. high. Ammonites are nautilus-like shells frequently found in fossil formations. This giant fossil, created by German artist Hendrik Hackl, will be illuminated at night. Participants who penetrate its coiled center must devolve, crouching by degrees until they reach all-fours and finally wriggle like a worm.


Crawl through a mysterious labyrinth. Behold the shriveled husk of Pharaoh! See a panoramic view of our encampment cupped like a spectral pool within its secret chamber. Based on a design first conceived by Leonardo Da Vinci. A playa landmark since 1994 -- newly renovated! Artist: Chris De Monterey.


Visit the city-center ruins of a future civilization. This excavation reveals three public buildings arranged at the vertices of an equilateral triangle: Temple of Conception, Pregnancy Court, and Birthing Stoa. Situated within the triangular area is a memorial to the private, consisting of a Grove of Contemplation, which contains the Cave of Darkness, Well of Secrets, and Fountain of Nurture. Cryptic engravings are translated by herarcheologists Bonnie Bridges and Bill Banyai.


Shelley Hades-Vaca will create a 56 ft. long curving panorama of the ocean. This photographic seascape is intended to evoke a sense of our original mother: The Sea.


Concentrate your fiery desires into small decorative tree ornaments and hang them on this minimalist conifer. On Saturday night your pent-up emotions will be released as we prepare for rebirth Sunday evening. Artist: Fuzzy Rogers

KILL YOUR TELEVISION Watch a family of All-American dummies crash test a giant TV.


A 14' geodesic sphere complete with lights, multi-tech sound system and indoctrination video. A chair is suspended in the center of the sphere. Participants will be strapped into this seat and equipped with a head-set television while the sphere is rolled around.


A combination of performance, sculpture and photography. Large groups of people will combine into abstract shapes and formations that reflect political and social events that affect our society. The resulting images will explore the vulnerability of human weakness and the anonymity of public space. In exchange for posing, all volunteers will receive an 8Úquot; X 10Úquot; photograph signed by the artist. Artist: Spencer Tunick


Artist Robert Burke will create an enormous canvas-backed duck. Lounge in the world's largest decoy!


Sculptor, Michael Christian, and neon arist, Dennis Borowsky, will design and install a series of neon-illuminated bone towers. These monuments will mark the location of the Black Rock Ranger station in Central Camp.

Trip Brown